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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Binary split

 It's been a lovely day. The weather has been dry and bright, and after a leisurely start we have managed to drifty off into our individual hobbies. The Silver Vixen popped round to se Urban-Cub regarding some makeup, then returned to her sewing. The Gorse Fox continued to climb the various branches of the family tree.

It was interesting that the Gorse Fox was talking, yesterday, to one (Empson) cousin about another cousin from a different (O'Hara) branch of the family. This morning she popped up on his Facebook timeline, we made contact, and we exchanged messages for the first time since 1996. This drove the Gorse Fox to a different branch of his research and a different "book". He generated the initial rough cut, based on his research so far. Then he started to work through the book to see where there were inconsistencies, anomalies, or unsupported facts. That was most of the rest of the day gone as he rechecked data, found additional data, and delved further into the records.

Delving into old records was where the Gorse Fox used his computing know how and employed a binary split. He was looking for a record from a a microfilm. The microfilm ran to over 1000 images. He started by looking at image 500. That was clearly much too early for the data he sought. He then moved to image 700 (ok, it should have been 750 - but who cares). That was almost a direct hit. He backed up by one page and there was the data he was seeking. How lucky can you get?

The Gorse Fox has had a beef joint resting overnight in a dry rub. At lunchtime it went into the oven at 120C for 2 hours, then up to 140C for 30 Minutes, and finally up to 180C for a final 30 minutes before being taken out to rest. It was gorgeously succulent and a great success. Considering the joint was only £2, it was wonderful vale for money and Urban-Cub and Ellie cam round for dinner to enjoy it with us.

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