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Friday, March 02, 2018

Emma meets the Beast

So storm Emma, coming up from the South, was meant to meet the Beast from the east and cause chaos. Well apparently nobody told Emma or the Beast. We have again been right on the edge of things and through it has been cold and very windy, the snow has not come to much.

Conscious of the ice that may have formed, the Gorse Fox decided that he would take the Silver Vixen across to Urban-Cub's. Ellie was scheduled for her second swimming lesson, and the Silver Vixen was meant to be there for moral support. With our car warm and cozy, it made sense to take Urban-Cub and Ellie with us, rather than swap cars. So it was that we trundled across to Worthing on near deserted roads. People were heeding the warnings and had stayed at home. This in its own right became a problem as there was nowhere to park in the residential street where the hydrotherapy pool is. The Gorse Fox dropped them off and pottered back to the Sports Centre - at least there it would be easy to park and he could pop in for a coffee while waiting.

Clearly the swimming went well and Ellie seems suitable fearless. Will have to see if we can find a small scuba tank for when Cousteau-Cub is back.

Back home we had a quiet afternoon punctuated by the odd snow showers which came to nothing. One car managed to loose traction on the corner outside the house and ended up on the pavement near Old Bill's. He drove off without further incident. Meanwhile Old Bill and Lady Penelope have gone up to Gatwick in preparation for their trip to St Lucia starting in the morning.

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