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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Balls and Calls

It was misty, damp, and cold. Not the most inspiring weather for today's football. The Gorse Fox had been looking forward to the game, having missed out yesterday whilst waiting for the Neff engineer. We had a good turn out and the Gorse Fox appointed two captains and we soon had the sides ready and raring to go. As always it was a close fought game, ending 3-2 in favour of the orange team (for whom the Gorse Fox was playing). He didn't score any goals today, but felt that he had a really good game anyway.

Back home there was a snack lunch then the Silver Vixen started on the weekly shopping list and the Gorse Fox headed for his study. It was at this point that the phone rang. It was Cousteau-cub. We had a lovely long chat - though it was interrupted several times by the internet connection failing. Once we had caught up on all of the news we discussed when she might pop home for a visit (to see Urban-cub and her cub, when the time comes). In the end we decided that leaving it until June was probably the sensible thing.

The rest of the afternoon has been occupied with the 1991 diaries. These are now complete and digitally saved. Each book ticked off the list is a great relief.

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