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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Despite a fabulous start to the day, the south coast is now cowering under dark clouds and driving rain. This is a meteorological error and should not be happening in this location. The Gorse Fox will not repeat previous comments regarding where this sort of weather belongs, but would just alert you to the fact that we do not have an area known for its lakes nearby, nor do we need to wear flat caps and talk funny.

The day has been spent, as usual, split between GF’s two clients and some reviews of some of Starfleet’s recent technical achievements – GF being one of the evaluators for some forthcoming awards. GF must admit that Starfleet has some clever troopers scattered around the UK and Northern Europe.

GF experimented with the spreadsheet that has been the focus of his recent “day job”. It now exceeds 11MB, so he opened it up in Open Office and saved it back in the native ”.ods” format – 11MB dropped to a smidgeon over 1MB… and everything still works as before. Impressive.

Back up to town in the morning – briefing for another project.

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