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Friday, July 09, 2010

Local Politics

As any regular reader (in their continued attempt to solve insomnia) will know the Gorse Fox sits on the local Parish Council. He usually finds this an interesting experience and he feels it is a small way of putting something back into the community.

Every now and again, however, you come up against the less pleasant side of local politics. Without going into detail, yesterday was just such a day and it is clear that the politics of envy did not die with the demise of the last discredited government – but some vestiges of envy, so wish for vanity projects, and some propensity to bully live on in small pockets around the country. One such pocket is evidently closer than the Gorse Fox would deem pleasant.

What is interesting is we have run a series of consultations within our Parish – and so have a very strong view as to what our Parishioners want and the position they wish us to take on their behalf. It will be interesting to see how things pan out.

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