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Saturday, May 02, 2009


The Silver Vixen spent the day with her coven leaving GF and Und Urban-cub to their own devices. As U-c had been out until the early hours she made the most of a quiet morning cleaning her car. 

The Gorse Fox pays good money every week to Mellors so that he will do the garden. This is because GF doesn't "do" gardens. He enjoys sitting in them, photographing them, and even visiting them - but he doesn't "do" them.

Well it would seem that neither does Mellors - or at least he doesn't do them at a rate that can keep up with nature. As a result the Gorse Fox ended up getting his hands dirty, spending several hours on his hands and knees ripping green things out from the mud. It was a glorious day and if one must get one's hands dirty GF can't think of a better day for it.

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