Certain things became clear:
a) more medieval people wore decent watches than you would have expected;
b) digital cameras were evidently part and parcel of the equipment kept in their belt pouches.
c) cod pieces were very popular, but during a "fashion show" the commentator referred to the cod-piece of the model being worn in the front... Gorse Fox wandered "as opposed to?"
We watched the world go by, observing the number of medieval beefburgers being sold, the number of Goths that evidently participated in these fairs, and that fact that ugly people who could just get away with being seen in public in modern clothes were not flattered by medieval clothes.
It was all very good natured and great fun. The participants were obviously fully into character and camping in their tents overnight. The visitors were enjoying the show and cheering and groaning as the joust was played out in the arena.
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