Sussex seems to bee on the inside of a cloud. A fine but drenching drizzle has been falling since early morning - one of those that seems innocuous but soaks you to the core with moments of exposure. Yet GF suspects we are getting off lightly compared to the West and the Midlands.
He's been around to his friendly Ford and equally friendly Audi dealer today to look at their sparkly new offerings. With only a few months to go, GF needs to decide on his new chariot. He would point out that the Audi A6 was very nice, but he thinks the new Mondeo is a potential winner (and was equally as well appointed and about the same size). Both had huge boots (trunks) that GF suspected he could have parked his Golf in. He must get round to arranging a test drive.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hot Ears
Gorse Fox is on a teleconference. It's been running now for 2 hours 33 minutes, and doesn't look as if its running to a conclusion. It's interesting, when it can be heard, but several participants have very quiet voices and seem to be sitting several hundred yards from the phone. This means GF is pushing the phone hard against his ear. A small indentation is forming in the side of his skull and grey matter is being displaced - something he can ill-afford.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Gorse Fox has been surrounded by project managers discussing various activities... and it occurs to him that project managers are actually just accountants who like colouring-in.
Calm before
Thursday has dawned bright and sunny.
It looks, however, to be the calm before the next storm. Forecasts predict further heavy rain starting tonight and extending through the weekend. The Gorse Fox will be back in Sussex by this evening, so whilst expecting to get rain, should not be under threat from the flooding that is so evident around Worcester.
(For those that insist this is unusual weather, I would just point out that Wimbledon has started)
It looks, however, to be the calm before the next storm. Forecasts predict further heavy rain starting tonight and extending through the weekend. The Gorse Fox will be back in Sussex by this evening, so whilst expecting to get rain, should not be under threat from the flooding that is so evident around Worcester.
(For those that insist this is unusual weather, I would just point out that Wimbledon has started)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
More Worcester Floods
The Gorse Fox is not staying at his normal hotel. It was full. His first reaction was to book in at Tewkesbury or Malvern, but ended up in Worcester town centre. This turned out to be a lucky decision. Colleagues who are staying 9 miles away in Malvern took over 2 hours to get to work because of the flooding, the diversions, and the traffic confusion.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ooops. Looks like we have upset "The Department".
We have made some decisions that are "right" for our project, but may not be playing the department's game. They are throwing their toys about... but given their track record, they'll probably drop them!
We have made some decisions that are "right" for our project, but may not be playing the department's game. They are throwing their toys about... but given their track record, they'll probably drop them!
Monday, June 25, 2007
A fairly frantic day (as opposed to a totally frantic one) - the car was in the shop having an emissions check, the buyer turned up for the GF's old desk, there were documents to review, and one to write a new section for.
Now, as GF has sent his last email, he has to head off to a meeting with the parish worthies. Whilst it is important, he is finding it difficult to summon his usual enthusiasm.
Worcester in the morning... GF wonders if he should put an inflatable dinghy and life vests in the car
Now, as GF has sent his last email, he has to head off to a meeting with the parish worthies. Whilst it is important, he is finding it difficult to summon his usual enthusiasm.
Worcester in the morning... GF wonders if he should put an inflatable dinghy and life vests in the car
Well GF's eBay experience is now complete, and he's a very happy bunny. The buyer turned up on time and collected the old desk. The money is in the Paypal account. What more could one ask?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Worryingly the search and rescue helicopter is patrolling slowly up and down the beach at present.
Global Warming
Just a reminder to readers about the dangers of Global Warming (as the Gorse Fox sits - 2 days after mid-summer - with the heating on and rain pouring outside).
Risking Cameras
Did you know that this coming week is "Scrap Speed Cameras Week"? No?, neither did the Gorse Fox.
Now the mobility prevention nazis are probably sharpening their stingers already at the very implication that these sacred totems be removed from the roadside. Before you leap on the bandwagon, however, the Gorse Fox recommend you read today's Telegraph.
Quite rightly it points out that:
Of course, Speed Cameras won't be scrapped. That is because they are nothing to do with road safety, but are just another way of raising money. Their negative effect on road safety is therefore not relevant to the debate.
Now the mobility prevention nazis are probably sharpening their stingers already at the very implication that these sacred totems be removed from the roadside. Before you leap on the bandwagon, however, the Gorse Fox recommend you read today's Telegraph.
Quite rightly it points out that:
we learn to adjust our speed in order to remain safe in the prevailing road, weather and traffic conditions. The speed at which you choose to drive is an output from your own internal risk management system. Yet the DfT regards speed as an "input".A point GF has often made.
Cameras give us legal compliance targets, not safety targets. And the divergence between the two is now very marked. We now have a nation of drivers concentrating on compliance rather than safety. The whole concept of speed cameras denies that we are capable of managing risk, yet road safety absolutely depends on individual risk management in real time.Amen to that. Driving as much as he does each week, the Gorse Fox is amazed at the sights he sees. His observation is that speed cameras do nothing for road safety, but seeing a Police Traffic Control vehicle has a great effect on traffic in general. There is a place for speed cameras... and it's outside schools, and hospitals, not on urban freeways and good open roads.
Of course, Speed Cameras won't be scrapped. That is because they are nothing to do with road safety, but are just another way of raising money. Their negative effect on road safety is therefore not relevant to the debate.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Il Papa
So Tony Blair rushed from the EU Summit to the Vatican. Gorse Fox guesses that he went to bless the Pope, before he steps down as PM and becomes a deity.
The Gorse Fox is rather pleased.
His effort at e-cycling his old desk on eBay seems to have paid dividends. A last minute flurry of bidding pushed the price way beyond his best expectations. Now he just has to await payment and collection of the item. He would guess there are still things that could go wrong, but at present it looks good.
His effort at e-cycling his old desk on eBay seems to have paid dividends. A last minute flurry of bidding pushed the price way beyond his best expectations. Now he just has to await payment and collection of the item. He would guess there are still things that could go wrong, but at present it looks good.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Several sustained troll-attacks have been underway. The GF's team are being pounded by questions and requests from trolls who forgot to identify that they had dependencies on the work that's in progress. they are asking for answers to questions that have not yet been through the design process.
The team is in a no-win situation:
The team is in a no-win situation:
- If we answer them and the answer turns out to be wrong, it's our fault
- If we don't answer them until we have sufficient info, then we are not being helpful
- Answers will not be given until there is a high probability they are right
- The integrity of the design will not be compromised by artificial timescales.
GF is interested in the dynamics of eBay. The item he listed for sale did nothing until 36 hours before the end. Then he started to get some tentative questions and low bids and several people asking GF to end the auction early for them (thus, GF assumes, avoiding a last minute bidding war).
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Gorse Fox has been watching the News. He can't understand what he has just seen. The BBC have just done a piece on Afghanistan...
Well, it did a sympathetic, if not positive segment on the American presence - and their medical help.
How did this slip through the BBC censors?
Well, it did a sympathetic, if not positive segment on the American presence - and their medical help.
How did this slip through the BBC censors?
He headed for the station. A quick stop, the Silver Vixen takes over the car, and GF slips into the station.
Trouble is, GF took the wrong turn and ended up spiralling up into the multi-story car park and couldn't find the escape route so had to pay for a ticket and then follow the shoppers to the exit. As a result he missed the train.
Trouble is, GF took the wrong turn and ended up spiralling up into the multi-story car park and couldn't find the escape route so had to pay for a ticket and then follow the shoppers to the exit. As a result he missed the train.
Powerpoint Karaoke
Done... now GF can relax, and drive across to Basingstoke to pick up the Reading train. The Silver Vixen is coming along for the ride, and will stop off with Betty and Barney Rubble whilst GF is in singing for his supper. (Now there's a thought - presenting karaoke-style)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
So the educationalists have finally admitted that Phonics is the best way of teaching children how tro read. It was a major subject on BBC News this morning.
Gorse Fox wonders if the educationalists who ditched phonics originally have any sense of guilt over the damage they have done to a generation of schoolchildren, just for the sake of their stupid ideas.
Gorse Fox wonders if the educationalists who ditched phonics originally have any sense of guilt over the damage they have done to a generation of schoolchildren, just for the sake of their stupid ideas.
Immo Immas Immat
Dinner last night was taken at Immo, and Italian-style restaurant in Worcester. Great decor, bright and pleasant - good company, of course - but the staff seemed to be there under sufference. It was evident that customers were a major inconvenience.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Gorse Fox has driven through some foul weather on his way to Worcester, but hearing the traffic report he is glad he set off early as it appears the A34 has now been closed north of Winchester.
Arriving at Worcester GF finds chairs and desks everywhere... it appears that the seal linking the new part of the bilding to the old failed on Friday during the storms and caused a flood. Ooops.
Arriving at Worcester GF finds chairs and desks everywhere... it appears that the seal linking the new part of the bilding to the old failed on Friday during the storms and caused a flood. Ooops.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Today is Father's Day, and the Gorse Fox would like to share with you the esteem in which he is held by his offspring. The card, opened this morning, announced:
Dad, you're the bestGF can feel his heart swell with pride.
when I'm old I want to do everything the way you do it,
except the way you eat.
the way you dance
and some of your opinions are, well, crap.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Toe in Sales
GF has dipped his toe in the waters of online selling. He has finally got around to putting a fine old pedestal desk on eBay. No he just has to watch and see if there's any interest. He has several other items to pass on through this route if successful.
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Silver Vixen planned to go up to Jimmy's Place to visit Auntie P.
The car was loaded, the phone set, the bluetooth connected, and off she went. Unfortunately, someone has decided to do something silly on the A34, and thus the road is shut and the Silver Vixen was sitting in 12 miles of tailback.
Consulting the map, the most sensible approach was to do an about-turn at the next off-ramp and head back home.
Urban-cub is also having an exciting day... the chaps have turned up to replace the windows in her apartment so she was very excited, and by 9am, GF had received two phone calls from her just to say how excited she was!
The car was loaded, the phone set, the bluetooth connected, and off she went. Unfortunately, someone has decided to do something silly on the A34, and thus the road is shut and the Silver Vixen was sitting in 12 miles of tailback.
Consulting the map, the most sensible approach was to do an about-turn at the next off-ramp and head back home.
Urban-cub is also having an exciting day... the chaps have turned up to replace the windows in her apartment so she was very excited, and by 9am, GF had received two phone calls from her just to say how excited she was!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Quote of the week
Quote of the week probably has to go to Hugh Edwards on the Ten o'clock news on Monday:
Says it all really.
"Gordon Brown stated that Intelligence and Politics do not mix"
Says it all really.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Last week's meeting was postponed.
Today's meeting has just been postponed.
Can the GF attend a meeting next Thursday at 16:30? No, he's in Reading explaining about the programme to a bunch od worthies.
Could he do it by telecon? Not really, he's talking to a bnch of worthies about the programme.
"Oh but it's very important" came the intervention...
Wel in that case, why has it been postponed twice?
Today's meeting has just been postponed.
Can the GF attend a meeting next Thursday at 16:30? No, he's in Reading explaining about the programme to a bunch od worthies.
Could he do it by telecon? Not really, he's talking to a bnch of worthies about the programme.
"Oh but it's very important" came the intervention...
Wel in that case, why has it been postponed twice?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A milk of magnesia sky hung across the country as the Gorse Fox headed for Worcester. It remained dull for most of the morning, but soon after lunch the sunbroke through.
Interesting day spent researching Docbook and DITA standards and tools. Of the two, GF suspects DITA is the more interesting and powerful, but needs to get some "play-time" to get to grips with it.
Interesting day spent researching Docbook and DITA standards and tools. Of the two, GF suspects DITA is the more interesting and powerful, but needs to get some "play-time" to get to grips with it.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sceptic Tank
Those who have had the misfortune to read this blog regularly will know that the Gorse Fox is fairly sceptical about the impact of CO2 on Climate Change.
Like many Starfleet is trying to measure its carbon footprint. (Indeed, it has a very good record on the reduction of pollutants generally, over the years). GF has been asked to track his travel and record it in a spreadsheet which uses government numbers to indicate how much CO2 GF is creating.
But... can you trust the Government numbers?
An answer (never let it be said the GF is not willing to learn!!!),
See: The Slate
and Terrapass
Like many Starfleet is trying to measure its carbon footprint. (Indeed, it has a very good record on the reduction of pollutants generally, over the years). GF has been asked to track his travel and record it in a spreadsheet which uses government numbers to indicate how much CO2 GF is creating.
But... can you trust the Government numbers?
- GF's car uses diesel.
- Diesel weighs in at 850 grams per litre.
- GF averages 52-56 mpg (lets say 50mpg for simplicity as he has never done less than that in the last 30 months)
- Round trip to Worcester is 340 miles (6.8 gallons) which at 4.546 litres/gal = 30.9 litres (say 31)
- So the total weight of diesel consumed is 31 * 0.85kg = 26.35 kg
- yet the spreadsheet (based on Government estimates) says he's created 85.5 kg of CO2 (apparently creating 3.24 times as much CO2 as there was raw diesel in tank)
- GF appears to be creating matter very efficiently (in contravention of Lavoisier's Law of the Conservation of Mass)
An answer (never let it be said the GF is not willing to learn!!!),
The eight molecules of CO2 weigh about three times more than the one molecule of octane you started with. That doesn't mean you've violated the law of conservation of mass; instead, you've added the weight of the oxygen from the air to the weight of the carbon from the gasoline.
See: The Slate
and Terrapass
Local tragedy
Apparently there was an incident off the coast, near Littlehampton last night. A toddler was rescued (but died later in hospital). Rescue services were still looking for a man. At 6:15 this morning a helicopter was moving slowly along our beach, obviously re-starting the search... but evidently found nothing. After about ten minutes it was eerily quiet.
Sad end to a fine weekend.
Sad end to a fine weekend.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
GF felt a lot better about painting when a sea mist rolled in for an hour or two. The white undercoat was allowed to dry in a balmy 20C and the gloss was soon slapped on whilst the porch was still shaded by the house. It's all done now, so GF can enjoy a quiet hour in the garden before he attacks the masking tape.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
What is it about Argentine footballers?
Gorse Fox has just watched Lionel Messi clearly punch a ball into the net (like Maradonna's famous episode of cheating)... the ref didn't spot it. The goal stands.
Cheating seems to be endemic in the Argentine game, and they seem to have no shame or embarrassment.
Gorse Fox has just watched Lionel Messi clearly punch a ball into the net (like Maradonna's famous episode of cheating)... the ref didn't spot it. The goal stands.
Cheating seems to be endemic in the Argentine game, and they seem to have no shame or embarrassment.
As there are no big awards up for grabs at present, GF decided save this work of genius for another day. It was duly filed away in a plastic bag, which in turn was filed in a large storage bin.
Brushing up
Now and again, reality has to impinge on the Gorse Fox. The latest reality so to do is the fact that the entrance porch is in need of a bit of care and attention. So GF expects to spend the day scraping down and painting.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Gorse Fox just noticed that The Simpsons is on HD-TV at present. This raises a question in his addled mind:
And then, hearing that there have been over 400 episodes he wonders
And then, hearing that there have been over 400 episodes he wonders
How do they learn their words so quickly?
How do they avoid the paparazzi - you never hear about them in the tabloid press?
Pass on through
Gorse Fox has been busy working from home today. Not much to report that would be of any interest to anyone with a brain.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Career enhancement
Gorse Fox received a phone call "Can you spare an hour to talk to a review team from Starfleet Command".
"Sure, either 13:00 or 16:00 (whilst driving)" he said.
"Oh, they're busy at 13:00... but think 16:00 will be ok. Can you delay your journey" came the reply.
GF thought about it. Three hours to drive home, chance of traffic, England kick-off at 19:30. No. He couldn't... so he told them.
"OK, We'll call you in the morning at 09:00".
Finished the day and headed to the South Coast, watched the game.
Dawn broke, GF was in the car and heading for Reading. At 09:00 the phone rang...
"Good morning this is Gorse Fox" he said
"Morning, GF..." and the questions started.
GF interrupted "Can I ask who I'm talking to?"
The list started... Vice President of x reporting to Admiral Archangel; Chief Engineer; Vice President; Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer.... etc.
"Oooops" thought the Gorse Fox, keeping them waiting over night was probably was not a career enhancing move! Hey Ho!
"Sure, either 13:00 or 16:00 (whilst driving)" he said.
"Oh, they're busy at 13:00... but think 16:00 will be ok. Can you delay your journey" came the reply.
GF thought about it. Three hours to drive home, chance of traffic, England kick-off at 19:30. No. He couldn't... so he told them.
"OK, We'll call you in the morning at 09:00".
Finished the day and headed to the South Coast, watched the game.
Dawn broke, GF was in the car and heading for Reading. At 09:00 the phone rang...
"Good morning this is Gorse Fox" he said
"Morning, GF..." and the questions started.
GF interrupted "Can I ask who I'm talking to?"
The list started... Vice President of x reporting to Admiral Archangel; Chief Engineer; Vice President; Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer.... etc.
"Oooops" thought the Gorse Fox, keeping them waiting over night was probably was not a career enhancing move! Hey Ho!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A grey, pollen-laden morning greets the early riser in Worcester. Explosive charges startle the passer-by, by are soon isolated to the area around the Gorse Fox. He has woken with hay-fever and, as people shelter in doorways and beneath tables, he tries to curb the sneezing.
he gets to work to discover he is not the only one suffering and sneezing and spluttering create a symphony of sniff around the office.
he gets to work to discover he is not the only one suffering and sneezing and spluttering create a symphony of sniff around the office.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Project Management
100 Straws, please.
GF drove to Worcester by the dawn's early light... and then spent the morning in meetings. He has a few minutes respite before the next one.
Whole programme team meeting up for a pint after work... with a bit of luck we'll end up with one each, rather than one between us.
Whole programme team meeting up for a pint after work... with a bit of luck we'll end up with one each, rather than one between us.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Just shuffling
A funny day. GF started by shuffling his diary to try an make more sense out of the week. This meant he had to find a hotel for Wednesday night (as well as Tuesday)... but Wednesday night is the England match against Estonia. This meant find a hotel with Sky Sports - no mean feat in the Worcester area.
Mission accomplished, room booked.
Then the phone rang. Can he attend a meeting in Reading on Thursday?
Diary re-shuffled again... hotel cancelled.
Mission accomplished, room booked.
Then the phone rang. Can he attend a meeting in Reading on Thursday?
Diary re-shuffled again... hotel cancelled.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Don't get caught
So Barney Rubble was telling us about his recent trip to Cyprus, and in particular the taxis. His taxi, one evening, approached and went through a red light.
"You don't stop on red lights, then?" he asked.
"No, we just slow down and take care" responded the driver, and went on to explain "I did get caught once for going through. The policeman said 'Didn't you see the red light?' I told him, 'Yes, but I didn't see you''".
"You don't stop on red lights, then?" he asked.
"No, we just slow down and take care" responded the driver, and went on to explain "I did get caught once for going through. The policeman said 'Didn't you see the red light?' I told him, 'Yes, but I didn't see you''".
Saturday, June 02, 2007
The total distance was 11.46 miles
The highest point reached was 436 feet
The lowest point was 0 feet
and the total ascent was 969 feet
This was a great walk, with a good mixture of woodland and open spaces... and even the climbs were fairly gentle.
Far Furlong
Towards Wepham Down
The low points of the track had filled with water and a family with mountain bikes were having great fun sweeping down the slope and ploughing into the mucky water. We stopped briefly to chat. They were covered in muddy spatter, and were just preparing to do it again.
In the field to the right were two horizontal bands that the GF had assumed to be an earthwork or ancient field system. It was not marked on the map, however, so may be something more recent.
Monet's for Nothin' and the Pics are Free
North Stoke
Colonel Bogey
Actually it's not a river at all, but another of the drainage ditches that attempt to control the Arun's flood plain.
Pretty little bridge though... and it led to a short climb (passing a lot more nervous sheep) to North Stoke.
South Stoke
The route followed the east bank of the Arun, affording splendid views across the water to South Stoke.
It looks so peaceful. Gorse Fox should explain, however, that he was tormented by hay fever during this walk, and the silence was broken by a concerto of sniffing and sneezing which quite alarmed a woman walking on the opposite bank. (GF avoided the West Bank, believing there's enough about that in the news at present).
Wepham and Burpham
They seemed to watch him approach and then scamper off. Usually he ignores this behaviour, but it was at this point that he watched them as they ran off into a field and lined up, about 10 yards away, squatted slightly and in unison urinated.
The Gorse Fox is used to criticism, but he thought this coordinated display to be uncalled for.
Monarch's Way
Gorse Fox has walked through here many times over the years, and finds it just charming. The steep climb down from one side and back up the other keep it fairly remote, and it is rare that he has seen any other walkers on this stretch of the Monarch's Way.
the route was going to take the GF along the valley a little way, then he would clamber up the path on the opposite side.
Across to Arundel
Hill Barn
Normal political musing had not yet invaded his consciousness, something made him think of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Milliband.
Can't think what it was!
Into the light
Safari so good
You may scoff at this, but a little further on the Gorse Fox could hear volleys of gunfire. He concluded this must be some Sussex variation of a safari, hunting down these errant trees.
Tunneling the Green
Whilst a glorious day today, the last week or so has been pretty wet, so the track was very muddy, and GF was seen to leap from one high spot to another to avoid the worst of the goo, and pirouette round trees bordering deep puddles.
(There's no doubt about it, ballet's loss was computing's gain, he mused).
Angmering Park

Skirting Burpham it followd one of the drainage ditches to where it mereged with the River Arun and then along its east bank to North Stoke where the route started a long (but gentle) climb to Canada and The Burgh. It carried on then turned south to cross Wepham Down, and then followed some of the farm tracks and bridleways south passing Upper Bargeham and the finally turned west back towards the car.
A wee stretch
The Silver Vixen is off to a meeting of her coven leaving the Gorse Fox to his own devices. On this occasion those devices are likely to be his GPS, his camera, and his walking boots as it would be silly not to make the most of the glorious sunny day that was waiting outside as the curtains were opened this morning.
Stay tuned... more details later
Stay tuned... more details later
Friday, June 01, 2007
Passing back the Passat
The car service is complete and GF has had to reurn the Passat. He didn't really get much of a chance to test drive it (other that the journey back and forth to the garage and a quick but short trip at lunchtime).
The Passat seemed nice, but GF wouldn't have the estate.
The Passat seemed nice, but GF wouldn't have the estate.
Undue Influence
Gorse Fox has his car in for a service today. Knowing that he is likely to change his car this year, the garage have loaned him a brand new Passat Estate for the day... hoping to influence his decision. The only trouble is he has tons of work to do, so will have little opportunity to test drive this shiny toy.
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