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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Good day filled with meetings, but each with a satisfactory outcome. Managed to introduce new, enthusiastic colleague (who will know, henceforth, as Graham Norton) to Esteemed Client... and he launched straight into a dissertation on architectural modelling techniques. GF had to chuckle!

There are rumours of impending human sacrifice in the upper echelons of the account. This is approximately on schedule according to the Gorse Fox's law of complex contracts. This states:
In all complex projects there is a honeymoon period during which everyone tries to make things work and turns a blind eye to cock-ups. At the end of the honeyomoon period (usually 12-15 months), tension exists due to the backlog that remains to be cleared, the arrival of new work, and a modicum of disillusionment. This phase can last for weeks or months, but is brought to a climex by a cock-up. This causes a bloody fight, and executives to be replaced. If the new execs are good, the contract will now thrive and be a success... if they are not, the cycle will repeat.

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