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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Climbing to The Burgh

Climbing to The Burgh
Originally uploaded by Gorse Fox.
Climbing up from the valley floor towards The Burgh the view behind the intrepid walkers gave a good excuse to allow the heart rate to settle and take a photo.

The couple at the bottom of the hill were out walking their dogs. These black alsations were the size of shetland ponies, and one started to bark as we approached. "Don't worry, they'll ignore you" said the lady. "Just as well" thought the Gorse Fox!

A flash of white on the hill to the right caught Mark's eye. GF rummaged through his rucksack and pulled out the binoculars. Sure enough, there just below the crest of the hill was white deer (hart?). GF admits that even in his long and varied years, he has never before seen a white deer.

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