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Monday, October 31, 2005
**Wet and grey is not supposed to happen in Sussex. That's what Manchester is for.
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, October 30, 2005
More Walk Photos
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Walk Profile

It had been a moderately easy trek, made more fun by the good company. The weather had been kind, and the predicted rain never arrived. Gorse Fox would like to thank his companion for a very pleasant few hours.
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]

Traction Engine
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Climbing to The Burgh
The couple at the bottom of the hill were out walking their dogs. These black alsations were the size of shetland ponies, and one started to bark as we approached. "Don't worry, they'll ignore you" said the lady. "Just as well" thought the Gorse Fox!
A flash of white on the hill to the right caught Mark's eye. GF rummaged through his rucksack and pulled out the binoculars. Sure enough, there just below the crest of the hill was white deer (hart?). GF admits that even in his long and varied years, he has never before seen a white deer.
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Ambereley quarry side from High Titten
We had been concerned by the forecast that predicted heavy rain, however a strong onshore breeze seemed to be keeping the darkest of the clouds well inland from us. There were the odd spots of rain, but nothing that sent us scrabbling for waterproofs
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Amberley Working Museum
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Amberley Working Museum]
High Titten
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Amberley Castle from the railway
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Amberley]
North Stoke from Bury Hill
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
South Downs Way - Bury Hill
As we descended the east face of Bury Hill, slipping and sliding on the wet chalk the trees tried to show off their finery. The overcast sky flattened the colours, but still it was a fine sight. The hill that is evident in the background is part of the route, but at this stage it seemed a long way off
[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]
Whiteways - North Stoke - Houghton

[File under: Sussex Walk, South Downs, North Stoke, Houghton]

GF has walk planned. In fact he has several, and will decide on which after due consultation with a new walking companion. It looks as if it'll be blustery at first, and wet later...
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Avian Flu
The UK's plans to deal with bird flu are "as good as if not better" than other leading nations, the government's adviser on infectious diseases says.Now of course his expertise, and the strong scientific community is no match for for the 4th Estate... but it's nice to get an occasional voice of reson slipping through.
Professor Roy Anderson said the Department of Health was backed up by a "very strong" scientific community with experience of dealing with epidemics.
GF wishes he could say more.
[File under: Avian Flu]
A Conservative government led by David Davis would make it a priority to reverse Labour's £5 billion-a-year tax grab on pension funds.Now that makes the Gorse Fox sit up.
Mr Davis, interviewed in The Daily Telegraph today, said that Gordon Brown's raid on pensions was one of the "great scandals of the last decade - we have to look how to put that right".
We have a pension crisis and to make it better the current governemnt steals £5Bn per year from the pension funds... and then has the effrontary to tell private sector workers that they may have to work longer... whilst caving in to the public sector workers over their retirement age and benefits.
[File under: Pensions, New Labour, Government Theft, Conservatives]
I wish to bring to your attention to this particular comment by the then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew when questioned by the press:How refreshing, legislators who actually treat the victims as their top priority, rather than the perpetrators."In legislation, our priority is the security & well being of law abiding citizens rather than the right of the criminal to be protected from incriminating evidence"
[File under: Crime, Victim, Human Rights]
Supercomputer doubles own record
The Blue Gene/L supercomputer has broken its own record to achieve more than double the number of calculations it can do a second.
It reached 280.6 teraflops - that is 280.6 trillion calculations a second.
The IBM machine, at the US Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, officially became the most powerful computer on the planet in June.
The article goes on... and again catches the eye with:
In a recent demonstration, Blue Gene/L achieved another first by running a materials science application at 101.5 teraflops, sustained over seven hours on the machine's 131,072 processors.
Errr, how many? Makes GF's PC look a bit feeble.
GF remember that when said machine was conceived, there was concern over the amount of heat it would generate, the vortex that would be created by the hot air as it rose, and the initial installation was expected to weigh more than a 747.
[File under: Computing]
Friday, October 28, 2005
Gorse Fox is always intrigued to find how people arrive at his blog. Some recent routes are:
- Google: Anti scald Ireland Hotels
- Google: Wales trip Richard Clayderman**
- Technorati: revernge
- Yahoo: New Year's Eve parties Arundel
- Google: Fox Fireams
- Yahoo: real Silver Fox Demons
- MSN: John Callahan Fox Shotguns
- Yahoo: Jenny Bond posh to posh***
Have you had any odd callers?
** This one really worries the Gorse Fox
*** And this one worries him event more!
[File under: Blogging]
[File under: Spurs]
I have never had a penny through oil dealsCould it be that he is telling the truth? Could it be that Saddam paid him in some denomination other than pennies?
[File under: George Galloway]
As GF is responsible for the technical solution he explained:
- GF does not go to a design meeting "half-baked"
- You can't build the solution until you have the design
- You can't do the design until you have the requirements
[File under: Diary, Design]
[File under: Blogging]
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The England Project: The foot soldiers of tyranny
Gorse Fox is rabidly against smoking... but would defend a poerson's right to smoke anywhere as long as they do not exhale. If a smoker must exhale, then GF supports a designated smoking area, and suggests Wales** as a candidate.
** Because it's a long way from Sussex
[File under: Smoking ban]
- Media hysteria stirs EU into action
- EU tells member states to do something
- Member states jump
- HMG commits to something in the House, without consulting those that have to actually do it
- Those who actually have to do it, sit there and wonder what planet these jerks inhabit.
[File under: Diary]
** Deliberate attempt to irritate the envionment fascists who only quote scientific studies that support their agenda.
[File under: Global Warming]
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
EU approves exotic birds import ban
The article also refers to the exotic pet dealer. Gorse Fox has always wanted to be descibed as exotic.
[File under: Avian Flu]
The workshop was interrupted by a long teleconference. Colleagues needed to understand GF's view of a number of items including last week's trip.
It is becoming evident that said "events" are beginning to take precedence over GF's normal day job, thanks to the media induced hysteria.
**Bless You![File under: Avian Flu, Diary]
GF is just finishing breakfast before hitting the road to Worcester.
[File under: Diary]
Monday, October 24, 2005
Oh well, Worcester tomorrow...
[File under: Diary]
Last week he talked whimsically of revenge on the hell-bitch occupying the hotel room next to him. He classified the post in Technorati revenge, and thought no more about it.
Looking at his blog stats this morning he is amazed (if not slightly worried) that most of his "hits" this weekend have come, courtesy of Technorati, from people looking for Revenge. Surely this hell-bitch couldn't have offended so many people over such a wide geography? or is it just people offended by GF's disturbed night who wish to take revenge on his behalf?
[File under: Whimsy, Revenge]
Sunday, October 23, 2005
How old?
Ussher's chronology provides the following dates for key events in the Biblical history of the world:
* 4004 BC - Creation
* 2348 BC - The Great Flood
* 1921 BC - Yahweh's call to Abraham
* 1491 BC - The Exodus from Egypt
* 1012 BC - The founding of the Temple in Jerusalem
* 586 BC - The destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon and the beginning of the Babylonian Captivity
* 4 BC - The birth of Christ
Now, we must look at this with a degree of scepticism!** Another article Dataing Creation explains that different cultures have different start dates.
Many historical calendars were based on these dates.
* Maya civilization - August 11 or August 13, 3114 BCE
* Judaism - 25 September or March 29 3760 BCE
* Western Christianity - September or October 4004 BCE
* Byzantine Empire - September 1, 5509 BCE
* Big Bang Theory - 13.7 ± 0.2 billion BCE
In the interest of balance, and recent learned debate, GF also refers you to the scholarly Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. What is not clear from the latter view, is when the Creation actually took place.
** Surely not? It must be true.
[File under: Creation, Whimsy]
Oh dear, oh dear. GF guesses he'll have to change his mobile phone number again. He gets so fed up with their constant harrassment and begging.
[File under: Whimsy]
[File under: Blogger]
At two cabinet meetings last week the deputy prime minister clashed with Tony Blair over a white paper that will wrestle control of secondary schools away from local education authorities (LEAs).
Given the track record of the
“Prescott thinks the white paper will create elite schools at the expense of others,” a cabinet source said yesterday.
Err, let's anlayse this.
- "Prescott thinks" clearly shoddy journalism. There has never been any proof or even indication that he has reached an evolutionary level that renders him capable of rational thought.
- Is it wrong to "create elite schools". Clearly NOT, every parent wishes their child to strive for excellence.
- "at the expense of others". STOP. The Gorse Fox can only read so much b*ll*cks this time of the morning. Every fibre of the Tub-of-Lard's being has been dedicated to doing things at the expense of others. This is totalitarian hypocrisy.
- Comprehensives schools exist "at the expense" of Grammars.
- Regional grants for the North exist "at the expense" of the South.
- Regional Authorities exist "at the expense" of democracy.
- Indeed the Labour Party govern "at the expense" of the English voter.
“It shows the extent of Labour’s failing and wasted opportunity that nearly eight years after abolishing grant-maintained schools they are effectively reintroducing them,"
[File under: Politics,Education, Prescott]
Saturday, October 22, 2005
You Should Learn Japanese |
You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture. From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
Interestingly... that was exactly what the Gorse Fox did, several years ago. He has never used it, but it was fun to learn.
[File under: Language]
The afternoon was taken up with a trip the PC World to replace the, now defunct, HP
** Evidently tall black hats and black coats often get ripped.
[File under: Diary, HP Printer]
Friday, October 21, 2005
Gorse Fox mused that when looking at the kaleidoscope of leaf colours, the word Autumn seems so much comforting than Fall when looking down from 20000 feet.
Knowing the Hudson Valley pretty well, GF was able to pick out a number of landmarks that made hime feel quite nostalgic.
The meeting took place in an office just a few minutes from the Airport. GF thinks that the party learned all they needed, and that overall the trip had been valuable.
Soon after lunch it was back to airport for the return leg to Washington and the flight home.
[File under: Diary]
- Singing*
- Whistling**
- Dropping can of shaving foam in empty bath
- Banging elbows on wall as he showers
- Sneezing without restraint
- Banging his suitcase as he packs
- Dropping his change*** on the glass topped table
* out of tune
** also out of tune, but loud.
** English coins are so much more satisfactory for this item.
[File under: Revenge]
To sleep, perchance to stay awake
"Securrrdy" were eventualy called and byt 03:30 they had shut up.
The hell-bitch airhead was, however, not tired and proceeded to turn her TV up full, and watch TV...
Then at 04:30, the Gorse Fox's phone rang... "Bother and damnation" or words to that effect.
Not sure when the GF will get a chance to post this, but it's nice to get it out of his system!
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Washington Monument & across to the Capitol
Great view of the Washington Monument and the Capitol poking up in the background.
[File under: Washington]
Sun Up
It really was a tranquil spot, deserted at this hour of the day.
[File under: Washington]
Sunrise approached
[File under: Washington]
Jefferson Memorial
Hopped out of the taxi, ran to the edge, took photo, ran back to taxi... clock was ticking and meetings beckoned.
[File under: Washington]
Early Morning Traffic
[File under: Washington]
Casa GWB
First stop was the White House, just one block from our hotel.
GF loitered for a bit, but GWB didn't invite him in for breakfast.
[File under: Washington]
[File under: Diary]
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Stress-free travel
- Do not agree to last minute changes
- Allow plenty of time to get to the Airport
- check-in early and watch the world hustle by.
- Write patronising entries in your blog.
The GF has a thing about being on-time. Being on-time means arriving everywhere earlier than necessary. he would rather be two hours early than one minute late. this has resulted, before now, in him arriving at JFK 5 hours early because there was a weather warning of snow and he didn't want to be stuck in a blizzard when heading south for his flight. Stupid, yes. Stress-free - absolutely.
As you age certain things become more clear:
- Agreeing to every request does not help - only agree to do what you can achieve in the hours you have available
- The number of hours that make up your life is finite, final, and unknown - do not squander them on things that don't matter.
- Working smarter is better than working harder
- limiting your working hours does not damage you career, not limiting them does damage your health and family.
- Cherish silence
[File under: Travel]
Gorse Fox again refers you to his earlier post Avian Flu which lists a number of sources of current information regarding the disease, its containment, and what people should know.
[File under: Avian Flu]
Extra meetings have been crammed into the agenda. Looks as if GF may be only person from Starfleet as Dr Bognor was taken ill over night. He will confirm one way or the other at lunchtime.
GF feels as if he is juggling with live grenades at the moment and has one pin for all of them, that's between his teeth, and he wants to sneeze.
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Much easier than queueing at the Post Office with 40 people who insist on telling you that they're "97 you know", then get to the counter and have forgeotten why they're there.
[File under: Diary]
Gorse Fox's HP All-in-One 5110 multi-function printer has packed up. Reading up the reviews, he should not be surprised... and he guesses, working for Starfleet, he should know better. GF has tried all the trouble-shooting suggestions on their site, in the manual, and from the web, to no avail.
Maybe this is the only way HP can make money by making disposable printers with a life span of 14 months (and warranty of 12).
The choice of a multi-function (photo-capable) printer that includes copier and fax seems fairly limited. GF fears he will end up with a newer version of same.
[File under: HP Printer]
[File under: Travel]
Religious Sceptics
The Canon Episcopi, which was inserted into canon law by Burchard of Worms in the 11th century, demanded that Roman Catholics be skeptical about witchcraft
Now several things are noticable here:
- Scepticism was demanded - like politics today!
(Is politics the new witchcraft?) - Fancy being called Burchard of Worms - like being known as Gorse Fox of Nematode
GF also notices that
Burchard died in 1025, leaving to his sister a hair shirt.Sis, You have been warned!
[File under: Whimsy]
The Trouser Quandary Resolution
Go read it, and enjoy. Now.
GF has just received his travel itinerary for his trip to the USA later this week. He notices that HMG has been kind enough to provide First Class travel. What generous tax payers we really are. GF would like to thak you all for your kind donation.
[File under: Travel
GF will be toiling over a number of hot keyboards as he tries to re-jig several interconnected programme plans that cover the next 3-4 years.
[File under: Diary]
Monday, October 17, 2005
What has irritated GF is the day's newspaper and continued hysteria over Avian Flu. GF is in a privileged position. In his role he has a fair exposure to HMG's plans. He feels the press coverage and cynicism is un-warranted. The contingency plans are NOT developed by politicians, there is not value in spin, they are developed by civil servants who really care. People who are passionate about their job, and passionate about doing what's right.
[File under: Avian Flu, Diary]
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Route summary
This was the route profile for today's walk. As you can see there were some steep stretches.
In all the Gorse Fox:
- Covered 10 miles
- Climbed 998 feet
- The lowest spot was 8 feet above sea level
- The highest spot was 668 feet
There are more pictures of the Gorse Fox's walk available on Flickr.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]

Deer at Parham
[File under: Sussex Walk, Parham, South Downs]
Parham House
[File under: Sussex Walk, Parham, South Downs]
Carved Door
[File under: Sussex Walk, Storrington, South Downs]
[File under: Sussex Walk, Storrington, South Downs]
Cloudscape (2)
[File under: Sussex Walk, Storrington, South Downs]
Descending Chantry Hill
The sun shone diagonally across the hillside, and the trees were obviously on the change, but still rifling through their wardrobe before selecting the best autumn colours.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Storrington, South Downs]
Storrington from Chantry Hill
[File under: Sussex Walk, Storrington, South Downs]
Chantry Hill
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Springhead Hill
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
South Downs in the Autumn Light
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Thinking about this problem GF believes it is reasonable to permit walkers to carry firearms to cull this menace before it spreads. It's firm, but it's fair.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Parham House from Rackham Hill
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Amberley Mount
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Amberley from Amberley Mount
The sun was out, it was warm, and at this point GF hadn't seen another walker (though had dodged several mountain bikes).
The only sound was the distant crack of shotguns. There was obviously a shoot at The Dover, but GF couldn't help but think the constant sound of gunfire must be like living in Manchester, Nottingham, or Reading.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Amberley from Highdown
Looking back he got this view of Amberley and Amberley Castle (though he hadn't passed the castle on the route itself).
This view was taken just short of High Titten and Highdown House.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, South Downs]
Amberley (2)
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, South Downs]
Amberley (1)
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, South Downs]
Quintessential Country Lane
As you can see, the autumn leaves are turning, but are not yet really trying their best.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, South Downs]
Autumn Shades of the South Downs
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Rackham, South Downs]
Towards Rackham Mill
Leaving the car, he headed out across the dew-drenched fields lit by the low autumn sun. Though warm and bright there was a haze that emphasized the autumnal feel of the day.
This stretch of the walk headed through the firelds by Rackham Mill towards Amberley.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Rackham]

The route started at the "P" in the top left hand quadrant, on Rackham Street. Proceeding in an anti-clockwaise direction your intrepid adenturer crossed the fields towards Amberley, the climbed the Downs and followed the South Downs Way up Amberley Mount and Rackham Hill, across Springhead Hill and up Kithurst Hill before plunging down Chantry Hill, through Storrington, on through the Parham Deer Park and back to the car.
[File under: Sussex Walk, Amberley, Parham, Storrington]

[File under: Diary]
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Storming on
The Great Storm of 1987 occurred on October 15 and 16, 1987, when an unusually strong weather system caused hurricane force winds to hit much of the south of England. It was the worst storm to hit England since 1703 and was responsible for the deaths of approximately 23 people.It seems incredible that that was 18 years ago. GF remembers it as if it was only a couple of years back. Abiding memories of that night:
- The house actually vibrating and humming in the wind
- Hearing the dustbin blow away down the road
- Going out (in pyjamas) to retrieve the dustbin and realising its lid had blown elsewhere
- Tracking down the lid just as all the lights failed
- Going back to bed listening to the chaos.
- Waking up to the news of the devastation
- Missing a business meeting for the only time in his career.
- The storm caused substantial damage over much of England, downing some 15 million trees (including six of the seven famous oak trees in Sevenoaks and most of the trees making up Chanctonbury Ring), blocking roads and railways and leaving widespread structural damage to buildings
- Several hundred thousand people were left without power, which was not fully restored until more than two weeks later. Local electric utility officials later said they lost more wires in that single storm than they had in the preceding decade
[File under: Storm, Weather]
The Silver Vixen has taken over as Newsletter Editor of her coven. GF spent some time helping her set up a template for the Newsletter, and helped her search the web for some free spells that she could include.
Some shopping in Worthing followed, and a very nice lunch at the Fish Factory.
[File under: Diary]
Friday, October 14, 2005
Avian Flu
To help educate people, GF refers them to:
- Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), and
- Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) - Questions & answers
- The blog Avian Flu - What We Need to Know
- (Update): The blog World Health Organization - Avian influenza
The quarantining of infected farms and destruction of infected or potentially exposed flocks are standard control measures aimed at preventing spread to other farms and eventual establishment of the virus in a country’s poultry population.
Most influenza experts also agree that the prompt culling of Hong Kong’s entire poultry population in 1997 probably averted a pandemic. - (Update 2): Further information from America's Centers for Diseas Control and Prevention
[File under: Avian Flu]
GF feels ambivalent about the hype over DC and whether he took "substances". Several conflicting thoughts waft across the open expanse between his ears:
- GF does not hold with drugs. He has never even smoked a cigarette. He finds the concept abhorrent.
- GF has few enough brain cells to be able to squander, re-align or destroy them with "substances".
- Pass the wine!
- David Cameron, like everyone has a past.
- Who cares? If he DID, then he can talk about the subject from a position of experience. If he DIDN'T, then he has upheld the general rule of law.
- Where are you going to find a person under 40 who has not taken "substances" - that will become ever more difficult.
- Continuing to prevaricate provides great publicity.
[File under: David Cameron]
Interesting to see the mounting media hype regarding Avian Flu.
The incidence of the virus in Turkey has come as no great surprise, and there is now the strong possibility of an incident in Romania. Given the propensity for birds to fly (without regard to air traffic control and no-fly zones) the spread is likely. Gorse Fox sees this in a similar way to computer failure... you have to assume it will happen, and trust that you have adequate safeguards in place to ensure control when it does. It was good to see HMG (Chief Veterinary Officer) actually making a statement on the subject yesterday. GF actually has a few insights in this area, and whilst not dismissing the seriousness of the problem, and the potential work involved, believes the official statement yesterday to be an open, honest and factual assessment.
Gorse Fox does wish, however, that they would try and separate the Avian impact from the Human impact.
It would be quite possible for an outbreak of Avian Flu to decimate the bird population without having any significant impact on humans. This doesn't seem to be coming across. Even the Silver Vixen was under the impression that a human transmissible strain is the outcome of the Avian Strain. Currently this is not the case. Yes, humans can get infected through close proximity, but this is not transmissable at present, and should be treatable with retro-virals.
[File under: Avian Flu]