I was up early - it must be the excitement of my birthday! I had a coffee while reading the news and then Diane came in and we settled down to open my cards and presents. I have been a very lucky boy!
We went down to breakfast. Again, we loaded up for the day and as we were finishing, the staff brought me a Happy Birthday plate. I sent a picture of this to Ellie who thought it was funny. Once we were back in our room, I had a chat with Ellie (and Zoe) on the phone before we met up with Jane and Trevor in reception for today's adventure.
We drove the 2 miles to Hengistbury Head and put on our collective walking boots. It was mild, and the waves were thundering against the beach. The sun, however, was struggling to break through and it was certainly a lot brighter than the last couple of days. We made our way up to the top of the Hengistbury Head where we were afforded a fabulous view back along the beach towards Southbourne and Boscombe.
As we walked it brightened up more, and eventually the sun broke through. At the end of the headland, we could look down across Mudeford Spit.
We wandered down the side of the hill and onto the spit. The sand was fine and soft and walking was hard going, but we turned onto the roadway that runs along the inside of the spit. This was a lot easier and it took us along to a small cafe where we stopped for a coffee.
After a comfort break, we headed back along the low-level path which led back to the car park (via the Visitor's Centre). We had been out for more than a couple of hours and it had been a super walk. The car park, was very full by the time we left, and people were still driving in to try and find spaces. We took a bit of a detour on the way back. We cut down along the overcliff through Southbourne and on towards Boscombe. I was just being inquisitive - there was no deep philosophical reason for the detour.
Back at the hotel, the sun was beating down and it seemed silly to sit inside. We grabbed a table and some sofas and sat by the river with a drink and a snack. It was glorious out there, but we did feel that we needed to move on and have another walk.
So it was that we dropped down onto the river path and walked back towards the old mill and the Priory. There were lots of walkers, and families making the most of the sunshine. We wove our way between them and walked the reverse route of that we took on Thursday.
As we walked past the Priory, Diane caught her toe in a pothole, made almost invisible by our sunglasses. She tripped and fell, but fortunately ended up in a flower bed rather than the path. Even though it was a softer landing, she has still ended up with some bruising.
We moved on from this gravitational anomaly, and looped past the old castle keep and back along the Convent Walk. Eventually, we found our way back to the hotel.
We had some quiet time in our room during which Kim called to wish me a happy birthday. We then went down to meet with Jane and Trevor in the bar before going through to dinner. The restaurant was very busy this evening and quite noisy. When Ellie phoned, it was impossible to hear her, even when I went to walk outside. It was nice that she called.
It has been a very special day, for which I am deeply grateful.