The Gorse Fox was thinking about how proud Mr Middleton must have been yesterday as he gave his daughter away… and it brought back memories of emotions that surged through the Gorse Fox as he loaned away his daughters. Gorse Fox had the advantage of slightly less coverage than Mr Middleton, but his Cousteau- and Urban-cubs were both stunningly beautiful and every inch a match for Mr Middleton’s eldest. Years have passed since those special days, things have changed in all our lives, but even now he finds his heart almost bursting with love and pride for each of them.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Silver Vixen is out for the day. A good book beckons (GF wants to hang around in case there are some opportunities for house viewings).
Friday, April 29, 2011
Royal Wedding
A wedding should be a day of joy and celebration. A day of dedication of one person to another, and day of wonder that will be remembered throughout your life.
Royalty adds an additional dimension to this, and invokes pomp, ceremony, and scale. It invites hundreds of millions of people across the world to join in and become part of the event – either directly by lining streets and cheering, or indirectly through the marvels of global television.
The Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen settled down to watch and enjoy the event and see the charming couple avow their lives to each other – both looking radiant, both looking happy and optimistic for their future. God Bless them both.
It was a wonderful event. An event that on the British seem to be able to manage, and yet significant portions of the world join in. Gorse Fox would assert that it was a day of happiness for all of the millions watching, for if they were not happy at the coverage they would not have bothered watching. He would also assert, therefore, that the world’s happiness index climbed significantly today.
What was interesting, watching Twitter, was how many of the self styled comedians who poke fun at Royalty, at marriage, at Religion and so forth – were shown to be so far out of touch with the mood of the people. They may still amuse the Guardian readership, and the Labour Party (talking of whom, have you ever come across such a humourless, miserable, self-important bunch of fruitcakes?), but they merely insult the rest of us, and our intelligence (and before anyone casts aspersions on IQ… GF’s exceeds 150 by quite some margin).
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
After work GF went straight to the restaurant to ensure he ate early. No rice, no naan, just chicken curry and mushrooms all washed down with a lassis. The lassis was not on the menu, but the staff seemed so pleased that someone had asked for one that they not only went off to make it up, they also let the Gorse Fox have it at no charge. Result.
Now he's back in the hotel ready to watch the football, or read the book he he started and got hooked by last night... Or maybe both.
Some people have been at the stupid pills again.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
They exhibit the politics of the gutter and aim to reduce the electorate to the lowest common denominator.
Out West
Lots of stuff to do during the day, and a couple of significant meetings. All in all it was a very positive day.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Once the expenses were done it was time to get rid of the sir us wood left over from the deck project (of several years back). GF put an advert onto the local "Freecycle" and within a few minutes the responses started to come in. GF contacted the first respondent and 30 minutes later he was outside with his van, loading up the wood.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Pax at Pâques
The day was peaceful except for the sound of the waves rattling against the the shingle, birds chatting in the trees, and children playing in the distance. Yesterday's undercoating was finished with some gloss and the Gorse Fox's panache with a brush. Once that was done, the old wood caddies needed some tlc so out came the big brush and some green fence paint.
We managed to talk with Cousteau-cub. She has been quite unwell for the past 36 hours, and as a result has had to delay her sponsored dive for a few days. She was evidently feeling a little better as she was quite chatty, but needs a great deal of rehydration before taking to the water. She was threatening to do it mid week, but GF thinks the weekend would be more sensible.
The afternoon was spent on the east patio (deck) sitting beneath a parasol, supping wine, and enjoying a good book. Meanwhile the Forces of Darkness were being vanquished to make the day perfect.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
A dab here and there
The wine rack was in a parlous state. How could so many slots be empty? This was intolerable. Intervention was required and so GF headed off to the local emporium run by the Messrs Sainsbury. The car park was absolutely packed. his did not bode well for a quick visit. Fortunately, GF was evidently quick enough to overtake all of the dithering zombies shuffling aimlessly down the aisles - made his way to the wines, collected a couple of half cases and ploughed his way to the checkouts. Pleasantries and coins of the realm were exchanged with the operative and GF burst forth back into the car park and headed home.
The BBQ fired up, first click. After leaving it to to self-cauterise for about an hour, the sausages, pepper steaks, and bacon were thrown on while GF prepared some salad. First BBQ of the season, and mighty fine it was too.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Whilst looking through the real estate listings, one property caught the eye. It had ample accommodation and was at a great price point. It had room for the Gorse Fox to work, room for the the Silver Vixen's hobbies, plenty of bedrooms, plenty of living space and even extensive cellars.
Further reading revealed that it was a 17th Century pub that had been extensively refurbished in the past few years. One immediate drawback was the garden (which, after all is the reason we wish to move from here), but the accommodation looked so good that it was worth some further investigation. Hopping in the car we headed along to the village in question and soon found the place.
One of the great advantages of most old pubs is that they are built along the thoroughfare. This is also one of the great disadvantages when their use changes to to private house. When we saw the place, nice as it was, it fronted directly on to the main road through the village and was literally a few feet from the road, without even a Kerbstone to mark the transition.
Shame really... It would probably have been a good alternative to our current favoured spot.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Don't just read this - DONATE
Winding Down
Great line in today's paper, following speculation that Gordon (I stole your future) Brown may head up the International Monetary Fund;
"Putting Gordon Brown in charge of the IMF is like asking Herod to arrange a children's party"Love it!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Satan's Spawn
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
That was when he made his mistake. "thank you for visiting Apple, the world's greatest technology company".
The Gorse Fox had a brief moment where he felt sorry for him, and then pride kicked in. "You picked the wrong person to say that to" responded GF and went on to explain the facts and that Starfleet fulfils that role, and quoted the facts of patent filing and 18 straight years of more patents than it's nearest 4 rivals added together. Seeing the smurf suitably chastened, he turned and left.
Picolino turned out to be an excellent Italian restaurant. The service was fairly good and the food was superb. It certainly warrants a return visit.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Dive, sponsor, make a difference
Where is the traffic?
Some new team members joined the project today, so we will need to spend a little time acclimatising them to the rigours of this complex exercise.
GF is checked in to the City Centre hotel where he stayed a couple of weeks back. He has negotiated a super room on the top floor with brilliant views westwards over the City.
GF got a note from the Brighton Argus to say that they were putting together a brief article on Cousteau-cub and her venture.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Cars are meant to be guided by humans. The Gorse Fox has a feature on his car that allows it to park itself. The Gorse Fox had not tried this, but it seemed like an opportunity to do so without any pressure.
Pulling alongside a row of cars GF pressed the button and a screen indicated that GF should move forward. Then it showed the route it was about to take to slot into a parking space and told the Gorse Fox to let go of the steering wheel and just control speed and brakes. Heart in mouth he followed instructions and the car swung the wheel and parked beautifully. Better than GF would have done.
It's not natural. But it's very good. (GF was warned that it was able to park into slots so tight that he may find it difficult to get back out)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Getting home, the Gorse Fox is greeted by the Silver Vixen telling him that tone BBC have been on the phone and wish to interview him, on air, about Cousteau-cub's scuba marathon. This proved to be a bit of fun as the local radio was having trouble with it's studio equipment and getting their phones to record correctly. Eventually we got started and with C-c on the other end of Google Talk the Gorse Fox managed to provide a bit of publicity for the venture. The interview should be broadcast on Sunday
We then went out to meet with the Gorse Fox's tiny sister and her husband. A coffee at a local garden centre provided a break for the agent to show the returning couple round the house.
After tiny sister and husband left to attend a wedding, GF and the Silver Vixen had a quiet afternoon.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Joined up
In the sort of joined-up thinking that large corporations relish, Starfleet sent the Gorse Fox and invitation to attend an education course at the same time that it was cancelling courses for GF’s staff in order to manage the budget.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The day was punctuated by an afternoon drive from Bristol back to Portsmouth for a meeting at Starfleet with a colleague who is working on the same client, but at a different location. Portsmouth seemed like a good compromise, especially as it was en route for home for each of us.
By the time GF did get in he was suffering from a head-ache (not something that he often experiences) so was eager to grab some paracetemol. Probably because he so rarely takes tablets, the effect was both rapid and successful.
Silver Vixen explained that the estate agents had been on to her and that the deal with MoveWithUs had been withdrawn (obviously the new build we had hoped for, is now sold and off the agenda). This had been expected for a little while now, and as a result was not a surprise. We will obviously have to strike our own deals with the agents now… and talking of which, one of them has a viewer lined up for Saturday.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Seriously though, the Spurs team played well and gave a good account of themselves.
He is now back in the hotel, sipping a glass of wine to salve his conscience.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Last Bastion
Headlines refer to Arsenal "the last bastion of Britishness" being sold to an American.
How can that be right? The Forces of Darkness have been managed by a Frenchman for over 10 years and until recently didn't have an English player on the team. Get a grip. They are a foreign team and now they'll have a foreign owner.
At the end of the working day GF headed back to the hotel where he had agreed to meet up with a colleague to get dinner. The choice was to find something different or to try the Indian that GF had originally selected yesterday. After a quick discussion, the choice was made and we headed out on foot to Saffron.
The restaurant was fairly obscure and would certainly not get any passing trade. Having said that, it was quite busy and the food was excellent. Fine meal with good company. Can't complain.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Gorse Fox checked in to a different hotel, away from the city centre. It seemed a little remote, but GF couldn't make up his mind whether to venture out for dinner, or stay put in the hotel. Checking with Mr Google he discovered an Indian restaurant a couple of miles away. He changed and headed for the car, only to be distracted by the menu of the hotel. All you can eat curry buffet... And a beer. Errrr, why go out?
GF stayed put, enjoyed the buffet and was back in his room nice and early.
Splashing out
So it came to pass that the Gorse Fox loaded the car with his stuff for the week's business in Bristol. Laptop, camera, and suitcase in the boot. CD with tech podcasts, SD card with comedy podcasts in the cabin. Coffee and water in the cabin. Jacket on the peg behind tine drivers seat, and off he went.
The coffee was finished soon after Fontwell. It was rush hour, so progress was steady rather than quick. Soon after Newbury GF was feeling thirsty again. He grabbed the wearer and broke the seal. The top was loosened and then he remembered it was carbonated. Too late. A fountain of sparkling water decorated the inside of the car. The water dripped from GF's hair and glasses, it pooled on the leather seat, it drizzled down the steering wheel, it soaked his grey trousers.
Fortunately, there was still 40 minutes to run (and dry off).
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Meanwhile there is still limited interest in the house sale. Suspect we are in the wrong financial catchment as several larger properties have sold at 1.5M and 3M in the last few weeks. It would also appear that we have gained further celebrity neighbours, but we do respect each others privacy here, (indeed, discretion is one of the reasons people come to the Gorse) so GF will reveal nothing further.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Doing good, Making a difference
Many of you will know that the Gorse Fox has two daughters, both of which he is immensely proud. This particular post is about Cousteau-cub.
Cousteau-cub is a diving instructor working from the island of Koh Lanta in Thailand. She is passionate about the job, the place, the people and the marine environment. Wanting to make a difference, when she heard about the Tsunami in Japan, she resolved to try and raise some money for the victims, but whilst starting to put her plans together there were some devastating floods in nearby Krabi. So she resolved that she would split the proceeds of her venture between the Japanese victims and local victims and project.
So what is her venture? Please follow this link to read about her intention to do a sponsored dive. Not just any dive. Half a marathon. She will dive, with scuba gear, and swim 13.1 miles – only coming up to change tanks and take on fluids.
For someone who is asthmatic, and has had extensive back trouble (including surgery), this is incredible. I ask you, if you can, please support this venture by sponsoring her efforts.
The Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen are very, very, proud of her.
Both gadgets are on pay as you go schemes, so do not need to rack up charges except when used.
Old Friends
Having to pass through menswear, GF noticed several items of chic apparel that he decided would make meaningful addition to his wardrobe. So several hundred pound later he escaped clutching a bag full of things he had not set out to buy. All because he had drunk a large coffee before leaving!
All the other(intentional) shopping got done and as we headed home, the Gorse Fox saw his old car. Now sporting the livery of local taxi company it was parading along the sea front. GF thinks this was the first time he has ever seen one of his cars after disposing of them. Nice to see it was being put to good use, and no doubt it will provide many years more service.
Friday, April 08, 2011
The Silver Vixen is out for the evening with her coven. GF is left to his own devices.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
New dishwasher has turned up and been fitted while GF has been away.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Meeting or workshop
The project is still young. At the moment we are dealing with meetings but soon these will morph into workshops and the high level view of the problem will be torn apart layer by layer as we get to the core of problem and start the design of the solution.
Back at the hotel GF retrieved his camera from the car and headed out into the streets to make the most of a nice evening, explore a bit, and find something to eat.

As GF made his way through Castle Park, some local swans were enjoying the evening and enjoying the water, seemingly oblivious to the sculls as they swept by.
GF found a Japanese restaurant and enjoyed some sushi (with the hottest wasabi he has ever tried) and chicken Katsu curry. Perfect meal to end the day.
That's better
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Quiet dinner
Back in his room he switched on the TV only to find the Real Madrid vs Spurs game was not being shown on a channel that he could pick up. Not amused, but too tired to go out and find somewhere that's showing the game.
Monday, April 04, 2011
A time to eat
Bearing theses facts in mind, GF has a couples of rules when away on business. Rule 1: eat early - ideally before seven thirty. Rules 2: don't eat in a large group because service will be intolerably slow.
Tonight he broke rules 1 and 2 and so it is that, as the hour approaches eleven, he has only just got back to his room. A wakeful night is anticipated.
First day of the new project went well.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Went West
The Gorse Fox headed off late afternoon. An early meeting in Bristol on Monday somehow failed to excite enough for a 5am start, so GF decided to head west and stay overnight. This had seemed a good idea for stress free travel - as it happened the A27had been closed west of Chichester and required all the traffic to filter along the small country roads that ran parallel. The first 28 miles of the journey should have taken 25 minutes. In fact they took 95 minutes. So much for stress-free!
GF finally arrived in Bristol City Centre and checked into his palatial surroundings (at least, given the price of the parking, the Internet access, and the breakfast - it had better be palatial).
Saturday, April 02, 2011
A time to wash and a time to dry
After a little research a suitable model has been found and placed on order. The old machine has been disconnected and a new electrical outlet sited such that the installation can go ahead without any significant complexity.
Now we wait.
(*) We used to have them brought down from the north, but we can't understand their strange accents, they seem to suffer from exposure to the sun, and are confused by the absence of rain (many claim to have webbed feet!). As a result they get home sick, and leave.
Friday, April 01, 2011
April Fool's Day
Monday, in Bristol, we will start to find out.