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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lethargy and Clarity

 I was awake at 4:40 this morning. Though I didn't get up, I was wide awake and somehow managed to stay fairly still until 6:30 when I had to get up to be ready for Ellie. The temperature had dropped; it was a lot colder than the last week or so. Whilst the sun was shining its spotlight from the east, the west looked like the storm clouds of Mordor gathering, Ellie was dropped off and, after breakfast and her ablutions, came down to read to Grandpa before school.

We dropped her off at the classroom and headed home. There was no walk for me this morning; my excuse was the threatening weather and the need to complete our shop in time for me to collect my new glasses - (though laziness might be equally to blame). Back home, with more coffee and breakfast tucked away, I entered the week's shopping list onto the phone and we headed off to Sainsbury's. The shopping didn't take too long and I had time to stash it away in the car before returning to Specsavers to collect my new glasses. Considering the miniscule change in my prescription, I'm surprised by how much difference the new glasses have made. Things seem a lot clearer.

Once home, with the shopping stashed away, we made ourselves scarce while Lottie finished the cleaning downstairs. I took the opportunity to de-install the old Brother A3 printer. In case anyone was interested, I photographed the unit and advertised it on a local Facebook page. I'll give it a few days; if there is no interest, I'll take it to the recycling centre.

This afternoon saw some Kindle time before I went to collect Ellie. Despite the cold, she insisted we stop at the park on the way home. Once I had dragged her away from her friends, we headed back home where she enjoyed a snack before reading to Nana for a while.

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