We had an early start so that Ellie could be dropped off. She was full of the joys of Spring and eager to remind us that it would be her birthday party this coming weekend. (Just like her mother!). We went through the usual morning rituals and then walked her to school,
After the drop-off, Dinae headed home for breakfast, and I set off for my early morning walk. The further I got in the Carl Sagan "Cosmos" audiobook, the more engrossed I became. This is a book for anyone with an inquiring mind and an interest in history, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and the "Cosmic fugue". I have noticed that the original episodes of the TV series are available on YouTube and I will squirrel those away for a rainy day.
Back home, fully caffeinated and replete with the finest porridge oats, I set about an update to the accounts. While in an administrative frame of mind, I set about requesting the recycling run for our coffee pods. This process has improved significantly since my last request.
Having received the new tabletop protectors for our kitchen table, I had the opportunity to repurpose the old table protector, This was cut down into 6 placemats and a couple of mats for serving dishes. It all looks rather good. With that done and the clock ticking towards midday, I headed out for another short walk. i did a couple of loops of the estate, ticking off a few more kilometres.
After lunch, we settled down for a quiet hour with our Kindles before going to collect Ellie. Fortunately, she wasn't;t interested in going to the park today (it was a bit cold). She came out of class clutching another Start of the Week certificate,,, this one was for her enthusiasm and participation in mathematics, I asked her what she had been doing, and she explained they had been creating sequences of numbers and trying to determine the patterns in the sequences. Once she had given me an example, I realised they were discussing arithmetic progressions and took the opportunity to show her an example in a graph. She was genuinely interested, which made me very proud. (Maybe I should get her onto Carl Sagan and `Richard Feynman!)
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