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Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A New Chapter

We didn't stay up to see the New Year begin. Ellie was still having a lot of discomfort and again we swapped beds. She settled fairly quickly once Nana was in bed, despite the fireworks exploding throughout the late evening.

This morning, New Year's Day, was the start of a new chapter in the journal of life. I was up first and had a quiet hour with my coffee and iPad before Diane came down. Ellie decided she wanted a pyjama day... and stayed in bed until mid-afternoon.

Gales had blown in overnight and there was rain battering the windows. The idea of going for a walk didn't really penetrate my consciousness. Starting to populate this year's accounting spreadsheet seemed a much better bet. Once that was complete, I headed up to the study and started to process the 2024 blog. The text and images were extracted into an "HTML" file. This was opened in MsWord and the correct stylesheets were applied and the file was saved as a "docx". Then I started to work through each entry and apply the correct formatting, check the spelling and grammar, and resize and position the photos. By mid-afternoon, I had finished January and February.

Ellie finally got up, got washed and dressed, and came downstairs. We watched a recording of last night's fireworks from London and then she sat and played quietly until Zoe came to collect her.

I wish you all a healthy and peaceful New Year, I wish you happiness, love and contentment.

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