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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Just chilling

Well Jasper isn't taking to his new diet very well. He's ignoring the wet food and just grazing the dry food occasionally. The Silver Vixen suspects he will tuck-in once he's hungry enough.

A message came through. Two Hats needed help moving a mattress into the garage - the Gorse Fox assumed he's done something wrong and been exiled, but no; they have a new bed being delivered and he was clearing the room. Old Bill and the Gorse Fox helped and we made pretty quick work of it.

Cousteau-Cub got in touch - she wanted to come and spend some time with us to try and make sure that there wasn't too much separation anxiety between her and the dog Tyson. The longer she stayed at Urban-Cub's the more Tyson would get used to her being around. The Gorse Fox hopped in th car and went to collect her.

Most of the afternoon the Gorse Fox has been tapping on the computer - some of the time on the family tree, and some of the time cleaning up the G+ missing photos. Boredom has set in now.

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