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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Recurring theme

It's been a quiet day. The sun has shone and the sky is blue. It's gorgeous.

The Gorse Fox was awake early and as he was fidgety he got up so as not to disturb the Silver Vixen. He sat and did some reading and writing while demolishing the first, and most important, coffee of the day.

Once breakfast was done and the Silver Vixen was up and about the Gorse Fox went and filled with the water & sand play station. The plug had not been seated correctly and it would take a little determination to get it to seal properly. That done he had a look at some of the solar lights we have in the garden and decided to replace the rechargeable batteries as they were flakey (to say the least).

The afternoon has been spent writing more code. There is a recurring theme in programming whereby you can find tracts of an algorithm that demand recursion as something can be nested to an indeterminate number of levels. The Gorse Fox had just such a problem today and, to be fair, has never found an elegant way solving it. That's not to say he hasn't solved it - just that it is inelegant. Well the code isn't going to used multiple times, nor sold to Google nor Microsoft, so he isn't too worried.

Anyway we now have some very solid progress towards the capture of all of the Google+ data. There is still more to do... but the major problems are out of the way.

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