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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Screen time

It was still dark when the alarm went off. The Gorse Fox and the Silver Vixen were immediately awake. The Gorse Fox open the shutters to check whose house was splitting the early morning silence. It was Old Bill and Lady Penelope. They had arrived home early from their holiday and opened the door. The problem was the keypad that disarms the alarm didn't seem to be working. We have their alarm fob, so the Gorse Fox wandered out into the crips cold morning, in his pyjamas to hand over the fob and bring silence back to the Crescent.

That was it. He was awake. He was up.

Thursday has involved a lot of screen time. It wasn't planned that way, it's just the way things worked out.

It all started when the Gorse Fox was looking at Google Drive and noticed the "Last Modified" date on a file said yesterday and he knew he hadn't touched that file for several years. This got him Googling for answers and one answer set him off on an entirely different track. Could he write a script that would allow him to add a timestamp to a particular column if anything in the row was edited? Well, it seems that he could... but could he put it exactly where he wanted it? Well, it seems that answer (currently) is No! He can only place it in a position relative to the edited cell, not in an absolute cell of its own. More research is needed.

The Silver Vixen was having a few problems with the washing machine. This has served us well for 16 years, but is now getting rather temperamental. The next hour or so was spent looking at possible replacements. We've narrowed it down to a couple, for now, but need to go and take a look at them before we commit.

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