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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Not much

It was a bright start to the day, but by mid afternoon the rain had set in. As the Gorse Fox writes this it's really quite dark and wet.

The first part of the morning was a matter of alternating between Ellie and trying to sort out the latest news regarding Cousteau-Cub. Clearly the hospital she had been in in Phuket was top notch as she had clearly improved overnight and was now checking out to go to a less expensive hospital (the Gorse Fox thinks we may have just bought a new Wing). Money needed to be transferred but some reason the process wasn't quite as quick and slick as it had been yesterday.

By lat morning the Silver Vixen had to pop round to Doctors' and took Ellie with her; the Gorse Fox had an appointment in Chichester so grabbed his bus pass and hopped on the bus at the end of the road. When you are not expecting to carry loads of shopping, this really is a most convenient and quick way to get there. In fact it would be hard to get there and park any quicker with a car.

We heard again from Cousteau-Cub. She had now been seen at a different hospital and was checking in to an hotel to save money (as the Doctor didn't think she needed to be admitted). She does need to return for further checks tomorrow. We are pleased there's progress but will feel a lot happier when she's fit and can travel home.

Urban-Cub collected Ellie late afternoon. The Silver Vixen settled down to watch this week's recorded episode of Holby and the Gorse Fox booked his car parking and his taxi for tomorrow's jaunt to his old school. He's not sure, but thinks he can hear a glass of wine calling from the wine rack. He'll have to go and check.

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