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Monday, March 02, 2015

Tournaments and Cousins

Well the Gorse Fox has entered Arun Amblers for two more tournaments. One is the National Walking Football Tournament for 2015, the other is organised by the Sussex FA. This should keep us busy, and get us some more game time.

On another tack entirely, GF got a phone call from a distant cousin yesterday. He is pretty far removed genealogically, but descended from the same bunch of McDonalds as the GF. He was phoning to tell of a death in the family, but on discussion realised that it was way over on his side and absolutely no relation the GF at all. It did provide an opportunity to catch up a bit and to share some details with him - on the proviso that he communicates any required updates.

This got the GF thinking about his family website. It is about due for another overhaul. Question is, what is the best mechanism to support this? A continued use of hand-cranked tools, or some form of modified content management system; the jury is out. There are several good tools for just the family tree side of things, but the website holds so much more than just a tree.

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