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Friday, September 12, 2014

Lost shades

Quiet day - relatively. The Silver Vixen was due at the hairdresser's and the Gorse Fox thought it a good excuse to go and see Angus to get his hair cut also. This gave him a chance to take the new car for a little run, to see how some of the technology works, and to fill up. Oh, yes. Filling up means remembering the filler is on the opposite side of the car, it uses petrol, and has a smaller tank. So whilst he may have to fill up more frequently it is a bit quicker and a lot cheaper.

The Gorse Fox stopped off to see the designer who is working on plans for the Orangery. There were a few clarifications that were needed and some ideas to discuss. Interestingly he showed the Gorse Fox an orangery on a house in Felpham which had the exact design the Gorse Fox had drawn. We have asked to take a look at the finished article.

The Silver Vixen wasn't best pleased on her return from Chi... she had misplaced her prescription sunglasses and walked her feet to blisters as she zigged and zagged back through the town looking for them.

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