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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Several years ago Cousteau-cub and the Gorse Fox demolished a large shed that used to occupy the east terrace. A by-product of this demolition activity was a significant volume of polystyrene sheets, several inched thick, that had been used to insulate the shed. All of this was duly stacked up in the garage loft, ready to be used again if the Gorse Fox built a new shed.

It had to go.

GF spent the morning tossing it back down the ladder and stacking it neatly. Then, over three trips, filling the car to the roof with these sheets and taking them to the recycling depot.

A residue of tine polystyrene balls littered the garage and the car, and Mr Dyson’s fine cyclonic vacuum cleaner was engaged to slurp them all up.

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