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Sunday, March 20, 2011


There was a call from the estate agents. The couple who visited yesterday were very interested. They loved the location and love the house. The only problem seems to be that they have not yet got a buyer for their house – and otherwise would have made an offer. This was both good news and frustrating news as it still leaves the Gorse Fox and the Silver Vixen with a number of houses on a wishlist, but no ability to progress with them.

We headed out again. A property had bubbled to the surface in last night’s review, but the details were sufficiently sketchy to warrant a quick check. Sure enough the Gorse Fox’s suspicions (caused by the shadows in the web details) were proved correct and the house had an easterly facing garden and was therefore unsuitable.

It was time to explore a bit further. Aldwick was becoming a contender and there was a nearby wildlife reserve at Pagham. IMG_0089We headed out that way and found ourselves down by the beach, which is on the western end of the bay looking east towards Brighton.

Along the beach a few souls were struggling with their sailboats and a good few fishermen were casting their lines from the the pebble bank. Whilst the village itself was not very enticing, the beach seemed nice and was not punctuated by breakwaters as it was well sheltered from the prevailing currents and winds.

Moving on from the beach we walked down towards the wildlife reserve. IMG_0092This is area is protected – primarily by a very poor road surface! We were on foot, however, so this was not a major issue.

At the end of the road was a small car park and the the start of various footpaths that take round parts of the lagoon. Whilst it was bright, there was a chill in the air and the paths did not have a good walking surface so would have been both cold and tricky for the Silver Vixen so we looked about for a bit before heading back towards the car.

From the lagoon we could see the spire of the local parish church off to the west. IMG_0098After we had stopped for a mug of tea and a baguette we took the car and went to explore. Church Road seemed to provide a clue and so we pottered of down the narrow lane. Sure enough we found ourselves at the Parish Church of St Thomas a Becket. This was charming, and larger than expected.

IMG_0097Immediately opposite the church was a little cottage, which despite its garish window frames, seemed to nestle comfortably beside its ecclesiastical neighbour.

Tour complete, we headed home. It had been a pleasant few hours.

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