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Saturday, August 22, 2009


There are some events that should be marked as special occasion. One such event was the completion of 60 years in this existence for the Stich Witch. So it was that the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox found themselves bobbin' along to the depths of Worthin to participate in an arcane ritual involving the immolation of previously sacrificed and basted animals accompanied by offcuts of herb and vegetable matter.

Gorse Fox, ever cautious,  hunted round to see if there was evidence of a ducking stool or indeed a pyre, but it was clear that the evening was to pass without the birthday girl (and he says that loosely!) being stitched in some dramatic grand finale.

The Gorse Fox selected a location with care. Early attempts at juggling were bcoming dangerous as GF tried to hurl dumbells into the sky from lengths of string attached to drumsticks... he decided that for everyone's sake he should desists and retired to the fat quarter of the garden.

The Stitch Witch circulated, clearly intent on not being pinned down and the Gorse Fox watched as , needled by the gathering gloom, guests cottoned on to the areas where the Commander had put up lights. As the sun disappeared the Gorse Fox (dressed in a short sleeved shirt) began to feel that he would have been better off with a bit of wadding to sit on and a quilted shirt to keep of the chill.

Gracie Fields was there. Indeed the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox had collected her en route. It seemed pointless her bring her broomstick when the Silver Vixen could - with some judicious tacking - sweep by on heres and pick her up and the make a bolt for the party.

As we left we could see that some high cloud had bubbled up and created a patchwork of shadows across the night sky. It had been a lovely evening and, dropping Gracie Fields back to rejoin her familiar, we were soon home. 

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