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Saturday, April 18, 2009

On and on

The Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen went to bed at a perfectly reasonable hour. The light was switched off and sleep soon overwhelmed them. This peaceful corner of the country wrapped them like a warm blanket. All was well.

Then the rude cacaphony of a alarm shredded the still of the night. 

In his usual reaction to menace, the Gorse Fox leapt from bed, stubbed his toe on the bedside table, grappled for his glasses and walked into the door. Was it one of our cars? Was it a threat?

He quickly determined it was not one of the cars, but was unably to determine the source. He stumbled down stairs, grabbed his keys and wandered out into the damp, cool, drizzle. Dressed for action (slippers and pyjamas) he wandered to the end of the drive to determine where the threat lay. It was a neighbour's house opposite. He checked for obvious signs of trouble and having determined there was none, and not knowing who the key-holder was. returned to bed... and spent a pleasant few hours listening to alarm switch on an off for 20 minutes at a time.

1 comment:

The Gray Monk said...

It's at times like that that thoughts of commissioning some heinous act of barbarity against the offending property come rapidly to mind. At least the leaping flames would warm the night!