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Monday, May 14, 2007

This week is a slight break from the usual pattern. Gorse Fox started the week with a trip to Reading to visit the flying horse people and have some "up front and personal" time with their software. This proved to be an interesting diversion and the schedule also allowed Gf to get away early and head up to Worcester during the late afternoon rather than at the crack of dawn tomorrow.

He's felt a little cut-off today as he's not managed to find anywhere where he has the time and the opportunity to access the ineternet... when he's had one he hasn't had the other... and now he's in his hotel room, he finds its one where the WiFi doesn't reach. (A trip down to reception will put him back in range to send this)

Looks like there's a slew of colleagues up here tonight so no doubt we'll grab a bite together (in a non-cannibalistic sense).

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