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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Check in

Blogging will be a bit sparse for a few days... but will retro-blog once possible.

Arriving at Gatwick, GF & SV made their way to theb check-in zone. Horror of horrors! A seething mass of humanity filled the area... it looked like a long wait. Then we noticed that our desks we empty. The queue was for the next zone.

We strolled to the desk and checked-in quicker than a call to a credit card company.

Security took a lot longer, however, but we were in no hurry.

A few hours later we were disembarking at the edge of the Sierra Nevada, a few miles from Granada.

Gorse Fox was amazed by the transformation. Where are all the back-to-backs seen on Coronation Street? Where was the rain? At least the people were still unintelligible.

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