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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Oh Shutup!

Like the English (or maybe because of their heritage) Canadians are essentially polite people. Politeness and manners are the oil that lubricates human interactions. It can however go too far.

At this moment GF's family are probably 5 hours into their return flight to Toronto. GF's recollection of flying with Air Canada is that by now the Flight Deck, and the Cabin Crew have probably just finished their introductions in English and French to the people on board. It seems that virtually every member of the crew greets you and to make sure you are kept awake as long as possible, they do so in both languages. Give it ten minutes and they'll start the preparations for landing.

GF once flew there and was only one of three passengers on the plane. We were each greeted personally, and we were all English... but they still insisted on giving us the full spiel in both languages!!!

Just say Hello, and give the safety info in English... the flight is from Heathrow, after all. (Use french for flights from Paris.)
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