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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Gorse Fox has been analyzing some of the thoughts and subjects that have been exercising the blogosphere over the past few days... jihad, Scots heroes beating up kids & the disabled for wearing England shirts, letters to Canada's Prime Minister and so forth.

What has become absolutely clear is that multiculturalism is no more than politically correct tribalism. It does not foster good relations or understanding. It builds walls of misunderstanding and distrust and will lead to conflict - particularly among the ignorant and the easily led.

Multiculturalism is discredited.

2,000 years of English history have taught us that integration and respect are the way forward. Everyone should be welcome, but should become integrated in the language, the way of life, and the values of their new homeland (wherever that may be). The trendy liberals of the past 30 years should hang their heads in shame as yet another of their ridiculous concepts has sacrificed a generation on their bonfire of vanities.

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