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Monday, February 27, 2006

Pernicious Multiculturalism

The Scotsman reports on Sir Trevor Phillips' comments Muslims must abide by UK code, says CRE chief
Gorse Fox never expected to to agree with TP, buy lo' and behold the man talks sense:
Sir Trevor Phillips said that the right to offend was an "absolutely precious" part of British identity, which could not be bargained away. And he suggested that any Muslims who want to live under a system of Shariah law should leave the country.

Gorse Fox concurs. However, this should not in any way be construed as anti-Muslim.... but rather a statement that Multiculturalism is a pernicious growth on our integrated society.

As far as the GF is concerned all are welcome to share our land, as long as they integrate and become part of the one society. Multiculturalism espouses continued separation, not integration and through that route lies conflict.

As Sir Trev says:
"We have one set of laws. They are decided on by one group of people, members of parliament, and that's the end of the story. Anybody who lives here has to accept that's the way we do it. If you want to have laws decided in another way, you have to live somewhere else."

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