Search This Blog

Saturday, January 21, 2006

To stay aware of current trends, and in expectation of the US DoJ or our MI6 demanding access to his search strings as well as Google's, GF has just reviewed the strings that helped people arrive at this site. A filtered list appears below (filth and muck removed... there really are some very sick people out there):

pigs glow in the darkLancing college
Where are White Lions from1Buncefield
HawkwindHouse of Stitches
Black Rabbit OffhamTop Gear
6-speed gearbox how do they work2Geranium Walk Promenade
Council Estates thick bone idle3Arundel
Rusting Hulk4Football violence
gorse hill definitionsouth stoke
sexual desire5Silver Fox
Bignor hillFryan's hangar sussex
Now Gorse Fox has to make several things clear regarding some of entries above:
  1. Mummy and daddy lions
  2. GF has no idea, he just has one in his car
  3. GF would never ever make a generalisation such as this, and is upset that the search engine directed someone here.
  4. John Prescott again
  5. GF is sorry, but he's spoken for.
Also, about one third of the referrals were to GF's various photos... at some point he must check which ones were most sought after.

[File under: ]

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