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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Theory of Gender and Christmas Shopping

Cousteau-cub has now joined us for the Christmas festivities... final shopping trips completed, all is calm.

Silver Vixen was convinced today would be busy... Gorse Fox has a different view. Gorse Fox's theory of Christmas shopping is:
In general women are well organised and will have completed all of their shopping and will be at home avoiding the last minute rush. Men will have deliberately left it until today knowing that
  • most women/children will be at home;

  • he can hurtle round the shops at his own speed;

  • he doesn't have to stop to look at things and say "ooh isn't that nice" or "Arrr, that would go well with her blouse";

  • he does not have to sniff scented candles - since the introduction of a reliable electricity supply candles hold a dubious position in the household;

  • the shops will only be occupied by men;

  • if a friend bumps into them they can say "Must rush, still presents to get" and charge onwards without causing offence.

  • empty coloured boxes - what's the point?

  • the faster the shopping experience, the longer he can spend in the gadget / hi-fi / computer shop

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there ##name##.