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Friday, December 02, 2005

After a foul drive back to Sussex last night, Gorse Fox was greeted by a newly laid carpet in the bedroom, Sir Lancinglot laying the flooring in the bathroom, UUrban-cub 7 Silver Vixen cooking dinner, and directions as to where the new bed had to be placed.

Pausing briefly to warp himself round a fine glass of wine, GF started to put the new bed together. This turned out to be a lengthy task and Sir Lancinglot came along to give a hand.

GF should point out that he and the Silver Vixen have a very large bedroom, and the previous bed was lost in its wide open spaces. (Herds of wildebeest had sometimes been seen migrating across the far side of the room). This new bed, however, is more fitting to the acreage. The beautifully crafted oak bed now sits majestically in the corner of the room. It is so large, that GF considered painting white lines on the quilt cover and renting it out at weekends as a football pitch, but decided that stud marks would be inappropriate.
(Any comments regarding the GF and studs are entirely within you own mind)

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