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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Davis attacks UK multiculturalism

BBC NEWS | Politics | Davis attacks UK multiculturalism. Ah ha! Methinks a voice of reason at last.

GF is convinced that England is built up on wave after wave of immigrants who have arrived over the past 1000 years, and enriched Englishness by their integration into our way of life. This is what made England the great country that it is.

The cancer of multi-culturalism has ignored the successes of 1000 years of history in the name of liberalism and politcal correctness (spit) and as a result has introduced ghettos of people making no attempt to adapt, this fosters division rather than diversity. It is patently WRONG.

GF looks forward to the day when one of these so-called experts admits they are wrong - as they have had to over the educational debacle they foist on us from the 60s onwards.

Good one, Davis.

Incidentally, GF sees this as major difference between the USA and Canada. In the US (pretty much) people adapt - but in Canada they are proud of being "a mosaic" of different cultures. GF just wonders if this may just be storing up trouble for the future.

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