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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Preparing for a seige

The weather forecast warns us of a cold snap, and possible snow over the nex few days. Today, however, it is still mild. Last major task in preparation for the festivities is to denude the shelves of the local Tesco of every edible item. This, I suspect, we will do today.

Have just spent an hour on the lapdog finishing off the contract for Esteemed Client, subsequent to the Project Prevention Board. I reall think these trolls a stupid. The phrasing that Pricing put in, was modified by C&N, then removed by commercial. The commercial reviewers have now increased the risk of the project. This process is BROKEN, these trolls are so wrapped up in their power trip that they cannot see the wood for the trees.

The raid on Tesco started. The Gorse Fox guided the trolley and followed the list, whilst teh Silver Vixen formed a one-person raiding party, darting hither and thither, passing unseen through the throng to collect various items. She was the hunter, I the gatherer. As a technique it worked well.
It becomes clear, after a trip like that, that there are a large number of people who have evidently survived total lobotomies, and are now left to wander the aisles of large stores. They have no spatial awareness, no consideration for other shoppers, and suffer from terminal stupidity.

After the food trip, we embarked on the drinks trip, visiting Sainsbury in order to "spend" the reward points gathered throughout the year. Agin this was fairly painless and quick. The ancient shoppers shuffled round looking for ways in which they could completely block aisles or gain additional points by working in a pack to gridlock a section of the store. We managed, however, to escape and take the long route round to avoid them. We were soon finished, and out whilst the pre-corpses still wandered aimlessly around in the store.

We dropped around to see Blodwyn and the Bishop, and to drop off their Christmas presents. The Bishop was in good form (when he was allowed to get a word in edge-ways). It's always so nice to see them... but the only topic of conversation is the grandchildren. You could see that the Bishop was beginning to get narked by Blodwyn's insistence on talking over everyone. She reminds me so much of Urban-cub!

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